And Neither Have I Wings to Fly
Labelled and Locked Up in Canada’s Oldest Institution
Inanna Publications & Education Inc. 2013
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1. Directly from Inanna Publications.
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4. In Orillia, Ontario area:
Manticore Books, 1-705-326-7776
Daisy Lumsden and other members of her family, labelled “feeble-minded”, were committed for life to the provincial institution in Orillia, Ontario, formerly known as the Asylum for Idiots and Feeble-Minded and Ontario Hospital School, today called Huronia Regional Centre.
Their experience inside the wards and cottages of the institution, and the struggle for their release makes for disturbing reading. A well-researched expose of the sexual, psychological, and physical abuse of vulnerable children with intellectual disabilities, and the denial of their civil rights. Daisy and her family are unwittingly caught up in a genetic “survival of the fittest”, that pitted the “fit” against the “unfit”. But who are the “unfit”? And who decides?